Study Cheats 101

Assalam peeps!

Welcome to Study Cheats 101. You will find some cool tricks and hacks to optimise your study capabilities lol what even

Chew some gum when you are studying. If you could, chew different flavours of gum for different subjects or even better, different flavours for different CHAPTERS! Chew the same gum (ew not the same gum ew don’t be that disgusting) I mean the same flavour of gum when you are taking that particular exam or test and tadaaaa all those tidbits of the facts you’ve memorised whilst studying will find its way home,that is, YOUR BRAIN! But you have to promise promise promise me you will not stick em under your table. For Singaporeans, DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME. Fret not, u=you could also substitute chewing gums with candies and sweets.

I think one of the reasons why I didn’t get straight A’s last 2 years was because I ate different sweets when studying  and taking exams HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Don’t be like me


**all these sugars will keep you awake**

Auf wiedersehen!

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